
The Medium is the Message

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When I saw that ‘The medium is the message’ was the theme of week 3 and 4’s BCM112 classes I was extremely confused. Staring that the large screen at the front of the lecture hall I  searched my brain for anything that would help me understand this concept. During this lecture I heard ‘a medium is any extension of ourselves’. This then lead to even more confusion if possible..

Thinking so much that I thought my brain would explode, the lecturer Teodor Mitew explained that the phrase a medium is any extension of ourselves. This means that the medium is any meme, gif or tweet etc. Adding this meaning to the phrase ‘The medium is the message’ explains how to medium is is the most important part of the message is the medium. The way that this message is published is so important.

During this week the Vault 7 leak was mentioned by the lecturer Teodor Mitew. Vault 7 is over 2000 documents of CIA confidential information which includes memes and phone hacking information. It’s crazy how the CIA has memes in their confidential information! The phone hacking documents show how they can hack any phone’s camera or microphone which is a very scary thought. This video below gives some more information as well as the major concerns that have come out of this leak in confidential information.

-Ash x


One thought on “The Medium is the Message

  1. I really like this post. Again, just make sure there is no explicit mentions to the course as no one else outside of BCM112 has any idea of what goes on. Also explaining the relevance of Vault 7 with your chosen topic, blend more like a beauty blender 😘

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